the Yacht Dock - The Municipal Yacht Dock will have a new
structure for next summer thanks to Great Lakes Dock and Materials.
Story and Photos in the November Beacon.

Gull Harbor Heron - While driving around the loop, this
heron provided a wonderful show swooping between two shoreline
spots and a perch atop a rock in the surf.

Week 2004 - The art show was the largest event of the week,
followed by many favorites performing at Music on the Porch.
Story and photos appear in the August Beacon.

to Beaver - The Chamber of Commerce teamed up with Boyne
Thunder to make Beaver a poker run destination. Photos in the
August Beacon.

Concert on the Harbor - The Northport Band conducted by
Doug Scripps and joined by the Beaver Island Community Choir.

Rainy 4th of July - The weather presented a bit of a challenge
this year, but Islanders didn't let the rain stand in the way
of a great parade. Photos in the August Beacon.

Morel Mushroom Contest - Can you top last year's morel champion?
Click Here for More Information

to get New Fire Truck - Thanks to a very generous donation
by the Steinbachs. Story appears in the June Beacon.

Flowers abound now that beautiful weather is here
on the Island.

Blue Heron looks out over Barney's Lake at sunset. Photo
on the back cover of the June Beacon

Evening with Stephen Sondheim - Photos and review of
the Dinner Theatre event will appear in the June Beacon.

Art of Sue Thomson - Livingstone Studio. Article and photos
appear in the May Beacon.

of the Year - Connie Wojan. Story in the May Beacon.

is Here at Last - and the Island is ready!

of the Year- Beaver Island Hospice and Helping Hands. Story
in the May Beacon.

Sandhill Crane caught flying over John Work's Farm.

Coast Guard Cutter appears out of the Fog. The fog was so
thick that we couldn't see a trace of her as we could hear the
ship cutting the channel past Whiskey Point, but then a few
hundred feet from the dock, she emerged at last to usher in
the new season. Story and photos appear in the April Beacon.

of the Southwest comes to Beaver Island - Heidi Connors
shows us her artwork. Article and photos appear in the March

Beaver Island Rural Health Center Open - Story and photos
from the spring open house in the March Beacon. Formal
Grand Opening Celebration to be held June 25th.

the Freighter Capt. Ralph Tucker via Snowmobile.
Article and wonderful photos from Bud Martin and Eric Fogg from
the ice, and from Captain Bill Sullivan aboard the Ralph
Tucker appear in the March Beacon.

Annual Talent Show is where Islanders of all ages really
show off their suff. Photos in the April Beacon.

about to start construction on Community House - Following
the spring Beacon articles, the latest and approved plans
appear in the May Beacon.