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July 2003
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4th of July Festivities

BITA - BIBCO Reach an Agreement

Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance on the Agenda

Vanishing Sturgeon

PABI's 1st Annual Goofy Golf Tournament

Rita Gillespie Memorial Blood Drive

Tara runs like the Wind

News from Beaver Island Hospice & Helping Hands

On This Date

Rutan Experimentals Fly-In at the Township Airport

Annual Firemen’s Picnic

Barry Pischner's New CD: Sailing On

The Island Welcomes New Sheriff Jim Campbell

The Bike Path: an Unqualified Success

Museum Week 2003 Schedule; Museums hold Open House

Some interesting occurrences at Meetings

A Solstice Celebration: The Second Annual High Tea

Whiskey Point Restoration; Rectory Auction

Camp Quality does Beaver Island

Charlevoix County Commission Meetings

Celebrating Flag Day

Charlie's Model A: on the way to the Shop

One Hundred Years Ago

The “Seven Sisters” Opens

BIRHC Board has Opening

Sunset Cruises available Once Again

Bob Hannon: 1950-2003

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Celebrating Flag Day

The local AmVets post #41 met at Doug Hartle's stone house on the beach on Flag Day to raise a new flag in a ceremony coordinated with other posts all across the country. Accompanied by newly-short-bearded Bob Hoogendorn on the trumpet, the ten members in attendance followed protocol to dispose of old, faded, and worn flags after a new one was hoisted aloft. The first old flag was examined by the Commandant and pronounced unfit for further service. Then it was burned over an open fire, with the first thirteen stripes burned individually as the names of America’s thirteen original colonies were called out in a deep, booming voice by Ron Gallagher.

A fittingly solemn occasion, which electrified the hackles on the back of the necks of the fifteen spectators standing respectfully back, and filled them with pride: a moment of unity and peace shared across the nation.

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